

Risk2009™ is a risk and claims management information system built for the needs of self-insured organizations and third party claims administrators. It allows for the internal management of claims and gives organizations the analytic tools to prevent losses and manage the cost of claims.

The product uses a modular structure following the claims management process

First Incident Report


The FIR module provides a tool to capture and monitor incidents before they become full claims. Accident notices and first incident reports be securely entered to the actual working database from any remote site via the Internet.  Interfaces with internal policy and entity modules and external HRIS and dispatch systems efficiently capture incident information.


Claims Administration


Once reported as a claim, this separate module provides adjusters with the tools to administer the claim. Functionality includes

  • Diary system
  • Adjuster workflow
  • Financials
  • Check writing
  • File attachments
  • Litigation
  • Form letters
  • Invoicing and
  • Check writing



Risk2009™ includes a full set of standard reports.  Incidents may be viewed from the occurrence, exposure line, claim unit, or transaction level. Standard safety reports include:

  • OSHA 200 and 300 logs
  • Analytic reports (cause of loss, injury type, recurring injuries, etc)
  • Safety audit management
  • Safety training management

Risk2009™ - Benchmark includes a separate business intelligence module. Users may create ad hoc reports using a variety of tabular, graphic and dashboard displays.

Product Editions

Risk2009™ is offered on an unbundled basis to respond to the specific claims and analytic needs of users. Our product editions are structured around four claim types: cargo, liability, physical damage and workers compensation. Functionality in these areas is designed to meet the specific needs of users managing these claim types. Our unbundled approach minimizes the amount of redundancy, and hence cost, in each product edition.


The Risk2009™ system is fully auditable. Every data record is dated and user ID labeled for historical and date sensitive local and remote reporting. No transaction is ever deleted ensuring that each customer’s complete data history set becomes accessible for risk analysis.

Access and user permissions in the system are controlled through a central administration function. Different users may perform different roles with access limited based on those roles.

Central policy and entity databases allow for the attachment of entities and policies to claims and occurrences and vice versa. Risk2009™ incorporates a complex relational database. This allows for the creation of single policy and entity records. Individual records can be re-used throughout the system. Data related to individual policy and entities can be tracked and reported on across the system.